Minggu, 04 Desember 2011
Efficacy Dragon Fruit
DRAGON FRUIT properties:
1. Highly efficacious lowering cholesterol, reduce levels of fat
2. To balance blood sugar levels, cancer prevention, oral health protectors
3. Prevent bleeding, vaginal discharge and drug complaints.
4. Preventing colon cancer, kidney function and bone strengthening, strengthening brain power, increase the sharpness of the eyes, as well as cosmetic ingredients.
5. Treating constipation, Treating Hypertension, Soften skin
6. Increase endurance
Here is a complete nutritional content of dragon fruit:
Sugar content: 13-18 briks
Water: 90%
Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
Acid: 0.139 g
Protein: 0.53 g
Fiber: 0.71 g
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin C: 9.4 mg
Benefits of Seaweed
Benefits of Seaweed
Many studies that prove that seaweed is a nutritious food, some of which follows:
Anticancer Research Harvard School of Public Health in America reveals, in premenopausal Japanese women are three times less likely to develop breast cancer than American women. This is due to the diet of Japanese women who are always adding seaweed in their menu.
Chlorophyll Antioxidants in green sea gangang can function as an antioxidant. This substance helps cleanse the body from free radical reactions are very harmful to the body.
Preventing Cardiovascular Japanese Scientists uncover, seaweed extract can lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. For people with stroke, eating seaweed is also highly recommended because it can absorb the excess salt in the body.
Dietary fiber content of foods (dietary fiber) on the sea grass is very high. This fiber is filling and smooth the body's metabolic processes so it is best eaten the obese. Carbohydrates are also difficult to digest so you'll feel full longer without fear of fatness.
Many studies that prove that seaweed is a nutritious food, some of which follows:
Anticancer Research Harvard School of Public Health in America reveals, in premenopausal Japanese women are three times less likely to develop breast cancer than American women. This is due to the diet of Japanese women who are always adding seaweed in their menu.
Chlorophyll Antioxidants in green sea gangang can function as an antioxidant. This substance helps cleanse the body from free radical reactions are very harmful to the body.
Preventing Cardiovascular Japanese Scientists uncover, seaweed extract can lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. For people with stroke, eating seaweed is also highly recommended because it can absorb the excess salt in the body.
Dietary fiber content of foods (dietary fiber) on the sea grass is very high. This fiber is filling and smooth the body's metabolic processes so it is best eaten the obese. Carbohydrates are also difficult to digest so you'll feel full longer without fear of fatness.
Other Benefits of Coconut Water
Other Benefits of Coconut Water
Coconut water is known to have many benefits, especially for pregnant women. But it turns out coconut water is also good for women who want to lose weight. Moreover, it also can be as anti-aging beverage.
Indian scientists say, one cup of coconut water contains about 46 calories, while coconut milk contains 550 calories. They believe coconut water can help lose weight, because the sweet sweet taste of coconut water helps us forget the desserts and cope with an overwhelming desire to eat.
Coconut water contains no fat, but many contain natural sugars and minerals, and also rich in magnesium, potassium and fiber. Coconut water can also be a substitute for the lack of body fluids, a special composition of the electrolyte is in it.
According to its composition, shape coconut water as plasma, because it is during the first war, coconut water is used as a salt solution.
Coconut water is known to have many benefits, especially for pregnant women. But it turns out coconut water is also good for women who want to lose weight. Moreover, it also can be as anti-aging beverage.
Indian scientists say, one cup of coconut water contains about 46 calories, while coconut milk contains 550 calories. They believe coconut water can help lose weight, because the sweet sweet taste of coconut water helps us forget the desserts and cope with an overwhelming desire to eat.
Coconut water contains no fat, but many contain natural sugars and minerals, and also rich in magnesium, potassium and fiber. Coconut water can also be a substitute for the lack of body fluids, a special composition of the electrolyte is in it.
According to its composition, shape coconut water as plasma, because it is during the first war, coconut water is used as a salt solution.
Traditional medicine high blood
Traditional medicine high blood
- Take a handful of celery leaves then mash until smooth
- Then mix with boiled water and filter on a clean cloth / fine sieve. Try a glass of filtered water until
- Let stand for one hour with a few dregs of the new drink.
- Drink regularly every morning and sor
- Take a handful of celery leaves then mash until smooth
- Then mix with boiled water and filter on a clean cloth / fine sieve. Try a glass of filtered water until
- Let stand for one hour with a few dregs of the new drink.
- Drink regularly every morning and sor
Senin, 28 November 2011
Retreat-retreat Secrets of Traditional Medicine Diabetes
Retreat-retreat Secrets of Traditional Medicine Diabetes
The name "retreat-retreat" given to these animals because of the habit of its larvae to walk backwards while digging nests in the ground traps. In the West, this animal is known by the name of Antlion (ant lion). The name was given because of the hunting habits of their larvae are ferocious ants by digging traps in the ground so it is considered as the "lion of ants".
Retreat-retreat as trusted as a traditional herb medicine Diabetes, but retreat-retreat is now difficult to obtain because of habitat lost by modern buildings. Therefore, now is the time to get back to nature by conserving the animals retreat-retreat.
Retreat-retreat nutritious treat diabetes, medically proven, even the doctors advise patients to eat the animals retreat-retreat that still live without water should be cleaned first. If exposed to water properties will be lost. A reliable cure diabetes from animal-retreat retreat is one of them is the fur.
Retreat-retreat also should not be eaten in a state of death. If you feel disgusted, patients could be put into an empty capsule and eaten with the encouragement of water.
The name "retreat-retreat" given to these animals because of the habit of its larvae to walk backwards while digging nests in the ground traps. In the West, this animal is known by the name of Antlion (ant lion). The name was given because of the hunting habits of their larvae are ferocious ants by digging traps in the ground so it is considered as the "lion of ants".
Retreat-retreat as trusted as a traditional herb medicine Diabetes, but retreat-retreat is now difficult to obtain because of habitat lost by modern buildings. Therefore, now is the time to get back to nature by conserving the animals retreat-retreat.
Retreat-retreat nutritious treat diabetes, medically proven, even the doctors advise patients to eat the animals retreat-retreat that still live without water should be cleaned first. If exposed to water properties will be lost. A reliable cure diabetes from animal-retreat retreat is one of them is the fur.
Retreat-retreat also should not be eaten in a state of death. If you feel disgusted, patients could be put into an empty capsule and eaten with the encouragement of water.
Sabtu, 26 November 2011
Memory loss drug broccoli
Memory loss drug broccoli
content of vitamin C in broccoli amount more than the calcium content of oranges broccoli is also larger than a glass of milk, and broccoli are also known to contain more fiber than a slice of wheat bread is also very easy way to consume them, can be eaten raw, sauteed, mixed as one of the soup ingredients or steamed as fresh vegetables. Improving brain power Researchers from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to prove that broccoli contains a compound similar to Alzheimer's disease drugs. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) are most common among the elderly caused by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Broccoli is considered to possess the most powerful anti-acetylcholinesterase.
Avocado diabetes drug
Avocado diabetes drug
Avocados are rich in vitamin A and carotene are good. Likewise, the minerals potassium and low sodium. Reportedly, the food is high levels of potassium and low sodium is a healthy food to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. people with diabetes are strongly advised to eat an avocado. Avocado can also be used for beauty, for example, overcome the heel cracked or dry skin in a way completely blended and used as a mask. Avocado pieces are sliced thin plate-like can also be used to overcome fatigue and puffy eyes. Meanwhile, the avocado is mashed and mixed with lime can be used as penghitam hair. The trick, avocado which has been smeared on the hair smooth, then covered with a shower cap for an hour. After that, wash with shampoo. With various properties owned by this delicious fruit, I think we need to get used to incorporate this fruit in the daily menu list, either as juice, salad, and fresh drinks.
Avocados are rich in vitamin A and carotene are good. Likewise, the minerals potassium and low sodium. Reportedly, the food is high levels of potassium and low sodium is a healthy food to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. people with diabetes are strongly advised to eat an avocado. Avocado can also be used for beauty, for example, overcome the heel cracked or dry skin in a way completely blended and used as a mask. Avocado pieces are sliced thin plate-like can also be used to overcome fatigue and puffy eyes. Meanwhile, the avocado is mashed and mixed with lime can be used as penghitam hair. The trick, avocado which has been smeared on the hair smooth, then covered with a shower cap for an hour. After that, wash with shampoo. With various properties owned by this delicious fruit, I think we need to get used to incorporate this fruit in the daily menu list, either as juice, salad, and fresh drinks.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a herbaceous annuals having a height of about 60 cm. This plant is widely grown in fields in mountainous areas receive enough sunshine. Pseudo-stem and the stems are green. Bersiung bottom-cloves, merged into a large white bulbs. Each leather-wrapped cloves sliced thin and if the smell is very sharp. Ribbon-shaped leaves (flat aft), flat edge, pointed tip, grooved, length 60 cm and 1.5 cm wide. Rooted fibers. The flowers are white, long-stemmed and forms an umbrella. Garlic can be used for alternative medicine as follows: a. Garlic Flu and Cough. Contained sulfur content in garlic makes it a distinctive smell and taste that can enhance and accelerate the activities of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, which helps relieve compaction and remove the mucus. Raw garlic contain phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease. How do I use it? Eat as much garlic as soon as you feel sick or add garlic to the dish. You can also make a cough medicine with this recipe: Mash garlic and input into the cold milk in a saucepan, and heat about 1-2 minutes, and drink warm. b. Garlic and Cholesterol There are now over 12 studies published worldwide that ensure that the various forms of garlic can lower cholesterol. Therefore, it can be concluded that garlic can cure high blood pressure, heart disease. One study, published in "The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians" by CS Silagy and Neil HAW in 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing fat. The author stated that garlic supplements is an important part in the cure of high cholesterol. According to him, overall, a decrease of 12% of the total cholesterol. This decrease occurred after 4 weeks perawata c. Garlic and Onions also have womb cancer to fight cancer, especially cancer of the stomach and colon. Organosulfida contained in garlic helps the liver process the toxic chemical compounds, including chemical compounds that cause cancer several epidemiological studies show that people who consume lots of garlic lower risk of stomach cancer and colon. To ensure that you will get maximum results, researchers from Penn State Unipersity recommend to let the first pieces of onion or a collision for at least 10 minutes, giving the onions time to form the contents that help fight cancer.
Sambiloto efficacious protect the liver
Sambiloto efficacious protect the liver
Bitter (Andrographis paniculata), is a kind of herbaceous plant of family Acanthaceae, which originated from India and Sri Lanka. Sambiloto also be found in other areas, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and several places in the Americas. Andrographis genus has 28 species of herbs, but little is medically efficacious, one of which is Andrographis paniculata (bitter). Bitter leaves contain many compounds Andrographolide, which is a bicyclic diterpenoid lactone compound. Chemical compounds that taste bitter was first isolated by Gorter in tahun1911. Andrographolide has liver protecting properties (hepatoprotective), and proved able to protect the liver from the negative effects galaktosamin and paracetamol. Efficacy is closely related to the activity of certain metabolic enzymes. Sambiloto has long been known to have medical properties. Ayurveda is one of the ancient Indian system of medicine that includes bitter as a medical herb, which is called by the name Kalmegh bitter in Ayurveda. In addition to nutritious protects the liver, bitter can also suppress the growth of cancer cells. This is because the active compound, ie, Andrographolide, lower expression of the enzyme CDK4 (cyclin dependent kinase 4).
diarrhea medication vicious shard
diarrhea medication vicious shard
ternate people call it by name "lire". This plant has many minerals such as potassium, calcium, and sodium and other mineral elements. In addition there are also silicic acid, tannins, and glycosides. Usefulness as a remedy dysentery, diarrhea (diarrhea) and drugs and kidney stones can also be as lowering cholesterol. The leaves of this plant other than to drink boiled water, can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and carried out regularly. Leaves nasty shard also often used to overcome the caterpillar's body is itching taxable or black ants, by applying a direct way leaves nasty shard on the itching part. To cope with diarrhea (diarrhea), dysentery, all parts of the plant is boiled, for about half an hour, kudian water is taken. The same process is to treat kidney stones. The leaves can also overcome the vicious shard diabetes by regularly eaten as fresh vegetables every day. Similarly to mengobai liver disease (jaundice), ambient (hemorrhoids) and gastritis by means eaten regularly.
Skin Diseases dru
Skin Diseases drug
Traditional Medicine for Skin Diseases
Various kinds of skin diseases such as skin fungus, ringworm, ringworm is not foreign in Indonesian society.Beberpa traditional medicine which is often used for the treatment of skin diseases that go round:
* Scabies, itch
For external treatment, simply take the leaves, bark, stems, or roots regards as necessary. Wash thoroughly, then finely milled until menjad dough like mush. Apply to the itchy spot, and then bandaged.
* Ulcers, wounds, and warts
- Spread with the sap of cashew fruit or cashew nuts (Anarcadium occidentale L) for several days until the wound dry- For warts, Pick 5 sheets LEAF DEWA, mash until smooth leaves. Lumurkan leaf that has been refined in the space warty, make up glue, leave one day and off to the next day
* Variety of skin disease
For patients with skin diseases, itching, and sores, which must be blended concoction is biduri leaves and coconut oil to taste. The leaf spread with coconut oil, then withered on the ignition.
After that, leaf affixed to the skin of the wound or itching. Before treatment, the skin wound was washed first with warm water or alcohol 70%.
* Ulcers, eczema, and skin diseases
Strand of the lotus petals was burned, will produce ash which is also efficacious as a medicine. This ash can be used as an external medicine to cure ulcers, eczema, and skin diseases. While pollen and stamens of the lotus flower when mixed with honey and cheese will be a cure hemorrhoids.
* Scabies in Children
Children who are exposed to scabies recommended boiling water bath with brotowali. How to make boiled water: grab bars brotowali 1m, chopped or cut in kecil2, boiled with 4 liters of water to boil, put boiling water into emberdan dinngin add water, bathe the kids while soaking her body.
* Eczema
- Grate the ginger rhizome, then the squeeze- Mix with grated radish- Apply the mixture to the skin affected by eczema
* Galangal to: Panu, ringworm, scabies, sores, ulcers
Treatment: Treatment outside, in the topical in place of the sickMethod: - Mash finely with garlic ginger rhizome (the ratio of 1:4, 1 garlic rhizome 4) to a pulp- Apply / paste in place of the sick- For who has chronic ringworm, add the vinegar concoction was- To Panu: provide fresh ginger, chopped fiber to arise, rub on the affected part
Traditional Medicine for Skin Diseases
Various kinds of skin diseases such as skin fungus, ringworm, ringworm is not foreign in Indonesian society.Beberpa traditional medicine which is often used for the treatment of skin diseases that go round:
* Scabies, itch
For external treatment, simply take the leaves, bark, stems, or roots regards as necessary. Wash thoroughly, then finely milled until menjad dough like mush. Apply to the itchy spot, and then bandaged.
* Ulcers, wounds, and warts
- Spread with the sap of cashew fruit or cashew nuts (Anarcadium occidentale L) for several days until the wound dry- For warts, Pick 5 sheets LEAF DEWA, mash until smooth leaves. Lumurkan leaf that has been refined in the space warty, make up glue, leave one day and off to the next day
* Variety of skin disease
For patients with skin diseases, itching, and sores, which must be blended concoction is biduri leaves and coconut oil to taste. The leaf spread with coconut oil, then withered on the ignition.
After that, leaf affixed to the skin of the wound or itching. Before treatment, the skin wound was washed first with warm water or alcohol 70%.
* Ulcers, eczema, and skin diseases
Strand of the lotus petals was burned, will produce ash which is also efficacious as a medicine. This ash can be used as an external medicine to cure ulcers, eczema, and skin diseases. While pollen and stamens of the lotus flower when mixed with honey and cheese will be a cure hemorrhoids.
* Scabies in Children
Children who are exposed to scabies recommended boiling water bath with brotowali. How to make boiled water: grab bars brotowali 1m, chopped or cut in kecil2, boiled with 4 liters of water to boil, put boiling water into emberdan dinngin add water, bathe the kids while soaking her body.
* Eczema
- Grate the ginger rhizome, then the squeeze- Mix with grated radish- Apply the mixture to the skin affected by eczema
* Galangal to: Panu, ringworm, scabies, sores, ulcers
Treatment: Treatment outside, in the topical in place of the sickMethod: - Mash finely with garlic ginger rhizome (the ratio of 1:4, 1 garlic rhizome 4) to a pulp- Apply / paste in place of the sick- For who has chronic ringworm, add the vinegar concoction was- To Panu: provide fresh ginger, chopped fiber to arise, rub on the affected part
Powerful Healer snails magh Chronic Disease
Snails are animals that we often encounter dipedesaaan. And there are often under the banana trees. in the world of natural medicine bahawa magh snails can heal chronic disease and heart.
Pengobatanya very simple way:
Take one snail and slug the pointy end of the above positions we cut use a knife and then grab a spoon to eat and then spill over the snail slime of existing and drink as much as 1 tablespoon plus 1 cup of water every morning. within 1 week you could feel yourself can change the perceived healing. but do not take the slime of snails below the hole because it can cause poisoning and even Fifth Major Precept. after investigation it can also treat coronary heart disease. This experience has proven my family. Praise be cured thanks to God alone seua and snails is due.
If the disease problematic magh Andah please try alternative Natural terpahi me.
Snails are animals that we often encounter dipedesaaan. And there are often under the banana trees. in the world of natural medicine bahawa magh snails can heal chronic disease and heart.
Pengobatanya very simple way:
Take one snail and slug the pointy end of the above positions we cut use a knife and then grab a spoon to eat and then spill over the snail slime of existing and drink as much as 1 tablespoon plus 1 cup of water every morning. within 1 week you could feel yourself can change the perceived healing. but do not take the slime of snails below the hole because it can cause poisoning and even Fifth Major Precept. after investigation it can also treat coronary heart disease. This experience has proven my family. Praise be cured thanks to God alone seua and snails is due.
If the disease problematic magh Andah please try alternative Natural terpahi me.
uric acid drugs
uric acid drugs
Uric acid is a form of rheumatic disease has been known to mankind since the 5th century BC, which is caused by high uric acid levels in the blood. A number of famous names such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, and Queen Anne mentioned suffering from this disease. Indeed, the disease is not lethal as cancer, but because it is easy to recur and can cause extreme pain, then this disease is quite disturbing for the sufferer.
Actually, our body produces uric acid in the body, as a byproduct of purine metabolism, and uric acid formed in the blood, will be excreted through urine, so that under normal conditions, uric acid can be found in the urine or blood. However, if the amount is excessive, then the body difficulty
regulate disposal system, so that uric acid crystals can accumulate in the joints, and this is the condition known as gouty arthritis, or disorder of uric acid. Because the crystal form of a sharp-sharp as a needle, then the buildup of uric acid crystals often cause extreme pain in the joints.
Uric acid can be detected through laboratory tests, examination of joint fluid, as well as radiology. Through laboratory tests, uric acid levels in blood and urine will be checked. Someone said to suffer from gout when laboratory tests showed the blood uric acid levels above 7 mg / dl for men and 6 mg / dl for women. Whereas in the urine if more than 750 - 1000 mg/24 hours with a regular diet, then it could be categorized as uric acid. Examination of joint fluid is performed to see the crystals of monosodium urate or urate (MSU crystals) in joint fluid. While radiology examinations are used to seeing the process that occurs in joints and bones to see the process of calcification in the nodules that occur due to the buildup of uric acid crystals in joints and muscles.
Actually, our body produces uric acid in the body, as a byproduct of purine metabolism, and uric acid formed in the blood, will be excreted through urine, so that under normal conditions, uric acid can be found in the urine or blood. However, if the amount is excessive, then the body difficulty
regulate disposal system, so that uric acid crystals can accumulate in the joints, and this is the condition known as gouty arthritis, or disorder of uric acid. Because the crystal form of a sharp-sharp as a needle, then the buildup of uric acid crystals often cause extreme pain in the joints.
Uric acid can be detected through laboratory tests, examination of joint fluid, as well as radiology. Through laboratory tests, uric acid levels in blood and urine will be checked. Someone said to suffer from gout when laboratory tests showed the blood uric acid levels above 7 mg / dl for men and 6 mg / dl for women. Whereas in the urine if more than 750 - 1000 mg/24 hours with a regular diet, then it could be categorized as uric acid. Examination of joint fluid is performed to see the crystals of monosodium urate or urate (MSU crystals) in joint fluid. While radiology examinations are used to seeing the process that occurs in joints and bones to see the process of calcification in the nodules that occur due to the buildup of uric acid crystals in joints and muscles.
toothache medicine
toothache medicine
Toothache ... senut-senutnya really fantastic. To overcome this way:
1. Take a small tomato
2. Roasted on the stove over low heat until wilted
3. Place the teeth hurt and bitten
4. After the pain disappeared immediately brush your teeth thoroughly
5. Toothache is gone
6. Easy and cheap
1. Take a small tomato
2. Roasted on the stove over low heat until wilted
3. Place the teeth hurt and bitten
4. After the pain disappeared immediately brush your teeth thoroughly
5. Toothache is gone
6. Easy and cheap
acne medication
acne medication
Acne Medication Tips
Tips Acne Medication - Acne is a skin pores are clogged and cause an inflamed sac of pus. Grow up into small red bumps on the face or big lumps of equitable if it is very severe. Acne is also sometimes do not only arise in the face but also in other parts of the body eg; Head, abdomen, back, chest etc..
Acne can be a sign of puberty in which the period when a child is experiencing physical changes, psychological, and sexual maturation function. But if you want if it does not heal acne even worse. If you ignore the acne then you nurture it and when ready to harvest I guarantee your face will continue manyun as below:
Tips Acne Medication - Acne is a skin pores are clogged and cause an inflamed sac of pus. Grow up into small red bumps on the face or big lumps of equitable if it is very severe. Acne is also sometimes do not only arise in the face but also in other parts of the body eg; Head, abdomen, back, chest etc..
Acne can be a sign of puberty in which the period when a child is experiencing physical changes, psychological, and sexual maturation function. But if you want if it does not heal acne even worse. If you ignore the acne then you nurture it and when ready to harvest I guarantee your face will continue manyun as below:
Efficacy Sirih Red
Efficacy Sirih Red
Red betel is also efficacious cure various penyaki such as:
- Diabetes miilitus
- Prevent Hepatitis
- Kidney stones
- Lowering Cholesterol
- Prevent liver
- Inflammation of the prostate
- Inflammation of the eye
- Whitish
- Ulcer
- Fatigue
- Joint pain and
- Soften the skin.
Red betel is also believed to contain a number of active compounds, among others:
* flavonoids which are antioxidants and polevenolad, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. While compounds alkoloid have also potent antineoplastic properties inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
* Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing organic material as part of a heterocyclic system. As already noted, the red betel can be used to treat diabetes and reduce hypertension.
* drink boiled water every day red betel, blood sugar levels will drop to normal levels. Red betel in the form of herbal tea can also treat gout, diabetes, ulcers, and fatigue. patients cured of diabetes by eating red betel herbal teas.
The content of other chemicals present in the red betel leaf is:
* Essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, karvakrol, eugenol, pcymene, cineole, caryofelen, kadimen estragol, terpenena, and phenyl propada. Karvakrol is disinfectant, antifungal, so it can be used as an antiseptic drugs to eliminate bad breath and whitish.
* Eugenol can reduce pain, and the tannins resolve abdominal pain. Red betel is widely used in Herbal Clinic Center as an herb or therapy for patients who can not be cured with chemical drugs. Potential red betel as a medicinal plant is very large multifunctional so it needs to be improved.
- Diabetes miilitus
- Prevent Hepatitis
- Kidney stones
- Lowering Cholesterol
- Prevent liver
- Inflammation of the prostate
- Inflammation of the eye
- Whitish
- Ulcer
- Fatigue
- Joint pain and
- Soften the skin.
Red betel is also believed to contain a number of active compounds, among others:
* flavonoids which are antioxidants and polevenolad, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. While compounds alkoloid have also potent antineoplastic properties inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
* Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing organic material as part of a heterocyclic system. As already noted, the red betel can be used to treat diabetes and reduce hypertension.
* drink boiled water every day red betel, blood sugar levels will drop to normal levels. Red betel in the form of herbal tea can also treat gout, diabetes, ulcers, and fatigue. patients cured of diabetes by eating red betel herbal teas.
The content of other chemicals present in the red betel leaf is:
* Essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, karvakrol, eugenol, pcymene, cineole, caryofelen, kadimen estragol, terpenena, and phenyl propada. Karvakrol is disinfectant, antifungal, so it can be used as an antiseptic drugs to eliminate bad breath and whitish.
* Eugenol can reduce pain, and the tannins resolve abdominal pain. Red betel is widely used in Herbal Clinic Center as an herb or therapy for patients who can not be cured with chemical drugs. Potential red betel as a medicinal plant is very large multifunctional so it needs to be improved.
Hydrocotyle Asiatica
Hydrocotyle Asiatica
Principal creeping herb. Found in all tropical areas are open. Reptile grows in the meadow, gardens, fields, road edges and so on. Creeping plant that grows in the dim and damp. Small leaves, stalks and curves in the Courant bercuping between seven and eight-toothed lobes and teeth. Multiply rapidly and grown using the roots. Having a long stem, soft and light green. There are also great as sireh pegaga pegaga called elephant. He did not bercuping and round and scalloped-gigi.Ia have bergugus fruit groups.
The leaves may be eaten as a side dish or made kerabu. The entire principal portion eaten, made juice or boiled beverages to be drunk as a bidder Alahan, antikanser, stop bleeding and heal wounds, melawaskan urination, stimulates blood circulation, treating diarrhea-ass, take care of throat pain, bloody urine bidder, bidder rock, fever bidder, bidder ulcer, as a tonic drinks and lowers high blood pressure. Also may increase appetite, reduce symptoms caused by stress, increase intelligence, strengthen blood vessels, treating trench foot, removing toxic, skin pain relief. Herba withy skin, soothing the body, dodge fever, dry whiteness and gives keselesaan on the uterus. Some people believe eating pegaga bahawa practice often makes the body young and not body fat.
Principal creeping herb. Found in all tropical areas are open. Reptile grows in the meadow, gardens, fields, road edges and so on. Creeping plant that grows in the dim and damp. Small leaves, stalks and curves in the Courant bercuping between seven and eight-toothed lobes and teeth. Multiply rapidly and grown using the roots. Having a long stem, soft and light green. There are also great as sireh pegaga pegaga called elephant. He did not bercuping and round and scalloped-gigi.Ia have bergugus fruit groups.
The leaves may be eaten as a side dish or made kerabu. The entire principal portion eaten, made juice or boiled beverages to be drunk as a bidder Alahan, antikanser, stop bleeding and heal wounds, melawaskan urination, stimulates blood circulation, treating diarrhea-ass, take care of throat pain, bloody urine bidder, bidder rock, fever bidder, bidder ulcer, as a tonic drinks and lowers high blood pressure. Also may increase appetite, reduce symptoms caused by stress, increase intelligence, strengthen blood vessels, treating trench foot, removing toxic, skin pain relief. Herba withy skin, soothing the body, dodge fever, dry whiteness and gives keselesaan on the uterus. Some people believe eating pegaga bahawa practice often makes the body young and not body fat.
Brain Cancer Drug
Brain Cancer Drug
This article will explain to you about how to conduct early detection and avoid brain cancer, knowing the symptoms of brain cancer, medical treatment options available and why herbal Papua Ants Nest is the perfect solution as a cure brain cancer.
The brain is the control center of mind and body. The brain is responsible for the recognition function, emotion, memory, and all forms of learning.
The brain also regulates most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature. In general, the brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem).
While the brain stem (brain stem) controls basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate, control the level of preparedness, controlling body temperature, controlling the digestive process, and convey information from a small brain (cerebellum). Like other parts of the body, the brain can also be affected by a tumor or cancer.
Tumors in the brain can develop into cancer. Symptoms of brain tumors or cancer is very varied, depending on where the tumor or cancer was lodged in the brain.
Symptoms of Brain Cancer
Immediately do a medical examination if the symptoms indicate the possibility of someone starting the following brain cancer arises. Some of these symptoms are headache (settled areas) accompanied by nausea to vomiting spraying, diminished eyesight, loss of consciousness, speech impairment, hearing loss, impaired walking / balance of the body (if there is a tumor or cancer in the cerebellum), neurological disorders , weakened limbs or seizures, impaired in intellectual functioning including memory.
Causes of Brain Cancer
Namely heredity, history of hard impact, a less healthy lifestyle, exposed to radiation, because aparan wave radiation in particular can trigger the development of cancer cells.
Prevention of Brain Cancer
Following three steps are very important to do to be free from the risk of brain cancer.
1. Healthy lifestyles, such as avoiding the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and foods that contain chemicals / preservatives.
2. Conduct regular checks for those who have brain cancer risk factors, especially those with a history of brain cancer patients. (MRI and CT-Scan).
3. Consumption of foods / beverages that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants can help the body cells of cancer-causing free radicals.
With prevention certainly far easier than treating brain cancer, in terms of both time and cost.
Choice Brain Cancer Drug
There are two methods of cancer treatment that can live to cope with brain cancer, the medical treatment of cancer and cancer treatment alternative. Medical treatment of cancer is usually done by radiation (radiation), chemotherapy, and surgery to remove cancerous tissue. If medical treatment aimed at destroying and killing cancer cells, then, an alternative cancer treatment is emphasized in the body's ability to fight cancer cells.
There are many alternative treatments for cancer, but cancer treatment alternative that is now much in demand is to use herbs, because the cost is affordable and proven effective and without side effects. Nature provides many herbs that can be used as an herbal anti-cancer, for example, Ants Nest Papua proven to overcome the tumor and cancer. The results of scientific research from the Center for Biotechnology LIPI, revealed that the ant nests contain active compounds which are known in the medical world for the treatment of various types of cancer.
Dr M. Ahkam Subroto, Expert Researcher of LIPI, revealed that the active compounds contained in the Ant's Nest is the flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body where antioxidants play an important role in warding off cancer-causing free radicals so it is good to prevent and treat cancer.
When in vitro assays conducted by Qui Kim Tran from the University National of Hochiminch City with his colleagues, proved that the ant nest is potent as a cure for cancer. In his research, the ant nest used by Qui Kim Tran weighs 2-3 kg. Ants nest was then extracted with various solvents such as water, methanol, and methanol-water mixture. They then grow three types of highly metastatic cancer cells alias easily spread to other body parts.
Each extraction was then given to each cancer cell. The result was truly amazing! Ants nest activity has a strong antiproliferasi! Which means the spread of cancer cells is very fast and abnormal.
The results of these studies present the scientific evidence for ant nests as the best cancer drug, because its effect in inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer that even very fast. Is high in antioxidants, making very precise Ants Nest is used as a cure brain cancer, including brain cancer early and advanced.
the fact is in harmony with the positive response from users Ants Nest. For example Hendro Saputro ant nest that has been introduced as a medicinal plant since 2001 revealed that those who consume these herbs are getting a lot of healing that is really complete, as in brain cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer. He commented as published in Nature magazine that the "average who drank boiled Ants Nest and get results after a week and some have 3 days have seen the results".
Similar results were also perceived by customers Mecodia (extract capsules Ants Nest) with cancer, the average reported already feeling its effect after 1-2 months of use it! In fact, many customers who have undergone medical treatment with chemical drugs, also combine it with Mecodia, and feel the healing process is faster than before. This fits with the comments contained in Dr Gods Poster Magazine, "Patients who combines antioxidants and chemical medicine physician heal faster than just using chemical drugs."
Besides, There is also the Ants Nest combines with other anti-cancer herbs such as Noni Juice and Tuber Rat. and felt the same result, where the healing process gradually be felt sooner!
Of course this herbal ant nests can be one of the best options for brain cancer cure, not only because of economic reasons, but also in some cases recovery may be obtained without having to go through the treatment process exhausting and painful, surgery, chemotherapy, and without having to experience a variety of effects Another negative side effect of medical treatment.
This article will explain to you about how to conduct early detection and avoid brain cancer, knowing the symptoms of brain cancer, medical treatment options available and why herbal Papua Ants Nest is the perfect solution as a cure brain cancer.
The brain is the control center of mind and body. The brain is responsible for the recognition function, emotion, memory, and all forms of learning.
The brain also regulates most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature. In general, the brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem).
While the brain stem (brain stem) controls basic life functions such as breathing and heart rate, control the level of preparedness, controlling body temperature, controlling the digestive process, and convey information from a small brain (cerebellum). Like other parts of the body, the brain can also be affected by a tumor or cancer.
Tumors in the brain can develop into cancer. Symptoms of brain tumors or cancer is very varied, depending on where the tumor or cancer was lodged in the brain.
Symptoms of Brain Cancer
Immediately do a medical examination if the symptoms indicate the possibility of someone starting the following brain cancer arises. Some of these symptoms are headache (settled areas) accompanied by nausea to vomiting spraying, diminished eyesight, loss of consciousness, speech impairment, hearing loss, impaired walking / balance of the body (if there is a tumor or cancer in the cerebellum), neurological disorders , weakened limbs or seizures, impaired in intellectual functioning including memory.
Causes of Brain Cancer
Namely heredity, history of hard impact, a less healthy lifestyle, exposed to radiation, because aparan wave radiation in particular can trigger the development of cancer cells.
Prevention of Brain Cancer
Following three steps are very important to do to be free from the risk of brain cancer.
1. Healthy lifestyles, such as avoiding the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and foods that contain chemicals / preservatives.
2. Conduct regular checks for those who have brain cancer risk factors, especially those with a history of brain cancer patients. (MRI and CT-Scan).
3. Consumption of foods / beverages that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants can help the body cells of cancer-causing free radicals.
With prevention certainly far easier than treating brain cancer, in terms of both time and cost.
Choice Brain Cancer Drug
There are two methods of cancer treatment that can live to cope with brain cancer, the medical treatment of cancer and cancer treatment alternative. Medical treatment of cancer is usually done by radiation (radiation), chemotherapy, and surgery to remove cancerous tissue. If medical treatment aimed at destroying and killing cancer cells, then, an alternative cancer treatment is emphasized in the body's ability to fight cancer cells.
There are many alternative treatments for cancer, but cancer treatment alternative that is now much in demand is to use herbs, because the cost is affordable and proven effective and without side effects. Nature provides many herbs that can be used as an herbal anti-cancer, for example, Ants Nest Papua proven to overcome the tumor and cancer. The results of scientific research from the Center for Biotechnology LIPI, revealed that the ant nests contain active compounds which are known in the medical world for the treatment of various types of cancer.
Dr M. Ahkam Subroto, Expert Researcher of LIPI, revealed that the active compounds contained in the Ant's Nest is the flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body where antioxidants play an important role in warding off cancer-causing free radicals so it is good to prevent and treat cancer.
When in vitro assays conducted by Qui Kim Tran from the University National of Hochiminch City with his colleagues, proved that the ant nest is potent as a cure for cancer. In his research, the ant nest used by Qui Kim Tran weighs 2-3 kg. Ants nest was then extracted with various solvents such as water, methanol, and methanol-water mixture. They then grow three types of highly metastatic cancer cells alias easily spread to other body parts.
Each extraction was then given to each cancer cell. The result was truly amazing! Ants nest activity has a strong antiproliferasi! Which means the spread of cancer cells is very fast and abnormal.
The results of these studies present the scientific evidence for ant nests as the best cancer drug, because its effect in inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer that even very fast. Is high in antioxidants, making very precise Ants Nest is used as a cure brain cancer, including brain cancer early and advanced.
the fact is in harmony with the positive response from users Ants Nest. For example Hendro Saputro ant nest that has been introduced as a medicinal plant since 2001 revealed that those who consume these herbs are getting a lot of healing that is really complete, as in brain cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer. He commented as published in Nature magazine that the "average who drank boiled Ants Nest and get results after a week and some have 3 days have seen the results".
Similar results were also perceived by customers Mecodia (extract capsules Ants Nest) with cancer, the average reported already feeling its effect after 1-2 months of use it! In fact, many customers who have undergone medical treatment with chemical drugs, also combine it with Mecodia, and feel the healing process is faster than before. This fits with the comments contained in Dr Gods Poster Magazine, "Patients who combines antioxidants and chemical medicine physician heal faster than just using chemical drugs."
Besides, There is also the Ants Nest combines with other anti-cancer herbs such as Noni Juice and Tuber Rat. and felt the same result, where the healing process gradually be felt sooner!
Of course this herbal ant nests can be one of the best options for brain cancer cure, not only because of economic reasons, but also in some cases recovery may be obtained without having to go through the treatment process exhausting and painful, surgery, chemotherapy, and without having to experience a variety of effects Another negative side effect of medical treatment.
SECRET Effective cancer treatment,
Cheap & Without Pain
Cheap & Without Pain
"Natural Cancer Drugs that effectively treat the cancer without pain and low cost?" Is it possible? The answer is YES & MAY!
If your family has cancer, aminkanlah sentence above. Indonesia's rich natural contain a variety of medicinal plants that can be used effectively as a natural cancer cure (herbal cancer)
Various types of medicinal plants are known as cancer drugs, among others: rodent tuber, crown the god, Intersection white, mistletoe tea, red fruit, etc.
The main role of medicinal plants is to increase endurance in addition to localizing the cancer cells so as not to spread and easier to remove. Because of its herbal and not chemical, then this natural cancer medicine has the advantage of not causing damage to healthy tissue as well as relatively safe for consumption (even in the long run). It is also cheap.
Along with the movement back to nature, even the medical community is now much advocated the use of this natural cancer medicine as complementary therapy for the healing process of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.
To be effective, the use of cancer drugs in the form of this herb should be coupled with a healthy diet and stress-free life. Avoiding the consumption of fatty foods that are fried or baked, and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables will help the healing process.
Benefits and uses of medicinal plants for cancer sufferers no doubt. But the main constraint is the supply it. To the layman, it is not easy to find and discover medicinal plants around us.
As an alternative, now has available a variety of products herb blends the herbalist or single products with different brands on the market.
If your family has cancer, aminkanlah sentence above. Indonesia's rich natural contain a variety of medicinal plants that can be used effectively as a natural cancer cure (herbal cancer)
Various types of medicinal plants are known as cancer drugs, among others: rodent tuber, crown the god, Intersection white, mistletoe tea, red fruit, etc.
The main role of medicinal plants is to increase endurance in addition to localizing the cancer cells so as not to spread and easier to remove. Because of its herbal and not chemical, then this natural cancer medicine has the advantage of not causing damage to healthy tissue as well as relatively safe for consumption (even in the long run). It is also cheap.
Along with the movement back to nature, even the medical community is now much advocated the use of this natural cancer medicine as complementary therapy for the healing process of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.
To be effective, the use of cancer drugs in the form of this herb should be coupled with a healthy diet and stress-free life. Avoiding the consumption of fatty foods that are fried or baked, and increase consumption of fruits and vegetables will help the healing process.
Benefits and uses of medicinal plants for cancer sufferers no doubt. But the main constraint is the supply it. To the layman, it is not easy to find and discover medicinal plants around us.
As an alternative, now has available a variety of products herb blends the herbalist or single products with different brands on the market.
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