Snails are animals that we often encounter dipedesaaan. And there are often under the banana trees. in the world of natural medicine bahawa magh snails can heal chronic disease and heart.
Pengobatanya very simple way:
Take one snail and slug the pointy end of the above positions we cut use a knife and then grab a spoon to eat and then spill over the snail slime of existing and drink as much as 1 tablespoon plus 1 cup of water every morning. within 1 week you could feel yourself can change the perceived healing. but do not take the slime of snails below the hole because it can cause poisoning and even Fifth Major Precept. after investigation it can also treat coronary heart disease. This experience has proven my family. Praise be cured thanks to God alone seua and snails is due.
If the disease problematic magh Andah please try alternative Natural terpahi me.
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